- curd cheese
- творог - мягкий сыр, из сепарированного свернувшегося молока; в среднем 12 % жира
English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
English-Russian dictionary of culinary. 2014.
curd cheese — ► NOUN ▪ a mild, soft, smooth cheese made from skimmed milk curd … English terms dictionary
curd cheese — noun : cottage cheese * * * curd cheese noun A mild white cheese made from skimmed milk curds • • • Main Entry: ↑curd * * * n. chiefly Brit. a mild, soft, smooth cheese made from skimmed milk curd * * * ˈcurd cheese 7 [curd cheese] … Useful english dictionary
curd cheese — varškės sūris statusas Aprobuotas sritis pieno produktai apibrėžtis Slėgtos varškės gaminys, į kurį gali būti pridėta priedų. atitikmenys: angl. curd cheese pranc. caillebotte, f; fromage en grains šaltinis Lietuvos Respublikos žemės ūkio… … Lithuanian dictionary (lietuvių žodynas)
curd cheese — noun chiefly Brit. a mild, soft, smooth cheese made from skimmed milk curd … English new terms dictionary
curd cheese — noun cottage cheese … Wiktionary
curd cheese — /kɜd ˈtʃiz/ (say kerd cheez) noun → cottage cheese …
Curd — « Curd » est le produit du lait caillé obtenu par coagulation du lait et de la présure ou toute substance acide comestible telle que le jus de citron ou vinaigre. Il est ensuite égoutté (appelé « petit lait »). Le lait qui a tourné produira… … Wikipédia en Français
stretched curd cheese — noun a type of cheese, the curd of which is stretched and shaped in hot water and set in cold water, resulting in a dense texture and good melting properties …
washed-curd cheese — ˈ ̷ ̷ˌ ̷ ̷ noun Etymology: washed, past participle of wash (I) : cheddar cheese in which the curd is washed before being pressed into forms to remove a portion of the whey, lactose, and soluble milk salts and produce a soft body with open texture … Useful english dictionary
Cheese — For other uses, see Cheese (disambiguation). A platter with cheese and garnishes … Wikipedia
curd — /kerrd/, n. 1. Often, curds. a substance consisting mainly of casein and the like, obtained from milk by coagulation, and used as food or made into cheese. 2. any substance resembling this. 3. Also called curd cheese. Chiefly Northeastern and… … Universalium